Сколько типов классификаций архитектуры индексов существует в MS SQL Server
В MS SQL Server существует четыре типа классификации архитектуры индекса:
1. Кластеризованный индекс (Clustered Index): это тип индекса, в котором строки таблицы упорядочены физически по значению ключа индекса. Каждая таблица может иметь только один кластеризованный индекс.
ON table_name (column_name);
2. Некластеризованный индекс (Nonclustered Index): данный тип индекса создается отдельно от физического порядка строк таблицы. Возможно создание нескольких некластеризованных индексов для одной таблицы.
ON table_name (column_name);
3. Покрывающий индекс (Covering Index): это тип индекса, включающий в себя все столбцы, необходимые для выполнения запроса. Покрывающие индексы помогают ускорить выполнение запросов, так как могут быть использованы для чтения данных, без обращения к основной таблице.
CREATE INDEX index_name
ON table_name (column1, column2) INCLUDE (column3, column4);
4. Уникальный индекс (Unique Index): данный тип индекса гарантирует уникальность значений указанных столбцов. Он позволяет вставлять только уникальные значения и обеспечивает быстрый поиск данных.
ON table_name (column_name);
Каждый из этих типов индексов предоставляет разные возможности и преимущества при работе с базой данных в MS SQL Server.
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🔎 How many index architecture type classifications are there in MS SQL Server?
When it comes to optimizing database performance, one important aspect to consider is the use of indexes. Indexes allow for quicker data retrieval, as they provide a way to access and retrieve data based on certain columns or expressions. In MS SQL Server, there are different index architecture types that can be classified based on their internal structure and the way they store and organize data. Let's explore these different index architectures to gain a better understanding of their characteristics and use cases.
1. Clustered Index:
The clustered index is the most important and powerful index in SQL Server. It determines the physical order of data in a table. Each table can have only one clustered index, and it is typically created on the primary key column(s) of the table. The primary key uniquely identifies each row in the table. When a clustered index is created, the data in the table is physically sorted in the same order as the clustered index keys. This results in faster data retrieval when searching for specific values based on the clustered index key column(s).
ON TableName (PrimaryKeyColumn);
2. Non-Clustered Index:
A non-clustered index is a separate structure that contains a subset of the columns in a table and their corresponding index key values. Unlike a clustered index, a table can have multiple non-clustered indexes. Non-clustered indexes are created to improve the query performance for specific search conditions that are not covered by the clustered index. They store the index key values along with a pointer to the actual data row in the table.
ON TableName (IndexedColumn);
3. Unique Index:
A unique index is a special type of non-clustered index that enforces the uniqueness of values in the indexed column(s). It prevents duplicate values from being inserted into the table. A table can have multiple unique indexes, but each unique index can only be created on a single column or a combination of columns with unique values. Unique indexes are useful when you want to enforce data integrity and ensure uniqueness in specific columns.
ON TableName (UniqueColumn);
4. Full-Text Index:
A full-text index is used for efficient text-based searching. It enables fast searching on large amounts of text data by creating an inverted, tokenized index on the specified columns. Full-text indexes are useful when you need to perform complex searches involving words or phrases within text columns. They support advanced search capabilities such as proximity searches and weighted searches.
ON TableName (TextColumn);
5. Filtered Index:
A filtered index is a non-clustered index that includes only a subset of rows filtered based on a condition. It allows for more efficient querying on a specific subset of data. Filtered indexes are useful when you want to improve performance for specific queries that operate on a well-defined subset of data. They reduce the index size and maintenance overhead compared to a non-filtered index.
ON TableName (IndexedColumn)
WHERE FilterCondition;
6. Spatial Index:
A spatial index is used to optimize queries involving spatial data such as points, lines, and polygons. It enables efficient spatial data operations like distance calculations, nearest neighbor searches, and spatial intersection tests. Spatial indexes are useful when working with locations, maps, and geospatial data. They enhance the performance of spatial queries by organizing spatial data in a hierarchical structure.
ON TableName (SpatialColumn);
7. XML Index:
An XML index is used to improve the querying and indexing performance of XML columns in SQL Server. It allows for efficient querying and shredding of XML data stored in columns. XML indexes can be created on either XML columns or columns that have XML data types. They improve the performance of XML queries by creating an internal representation of the XML data and indexing the XML content for optimized searching and filtering.
ON TableName (XmlColumn);
These are the main index architecture types in MS SQL Server. Each type serves a specific purpose and has its own advantages and considerations. It is important to understand the characteristics and use cases of each index type in order to choose the appropriate index architecture for optimizing your database performance. Use the provided code examples as a starting point to create and utilize different index architectures in your SQL Server databases. Happy indexing! 😉