Что делает оператор SQL DROP?

SQL команда DROP используется для удаления таблиц, баз данных или других объектов в СУБД.
Пример использования команды DROP для удаления таблицы:

DROP TABLE table_name;
Пример использования команды DROP для удаления базы данных:

DROP DATABASE database_name;
Использование команды DROP требует осторожности, так как она немедленно удаляет объекты без возможности восстановления. Поэтому перед использованием команды DROP рекомендуется создать резервные копии данных и подтвердить удаление.

Детальный ответ

SQL DROP statement:

SQL DROP statement is used to remove or delete existing database objects, such as tables, indexes, views, or constraints, from a database. The DROP statement removes the entire object along with its associated data and metadata.

When we talk about dropping something in SQL, it means deleting it from the database, making it no longer accessible or available for use.

SQL DROP Syntax:


The syntax consists of the following components:

  • OBJECT_TYPE: Specifies the type of database object to be dropped, such as TABLE, INDEX, VIEW, CONSTRAINT, etc.
  • [IF EXISTS]: An optional clause that specifies to drop the object only if it exists. If the object doesn't exist, the DROP statement does nothing. This clause helps to avoid errors when dropping non-existing objects.
  • [SCHEMA.] OBJECT_NAME: Specifies the name of the object to be dropped, including the schema name if applicable. The schema name is optional and used to qualify the object name if multiple schemas exist in the database.
  • [CASCADE | RESTRICT]: An optional clause that specifies the behavior when dropping an object that is referenced by other objects. CASCADE will automatically drop the dependent objects, while RESTRICT will prevent the deletion of the object if any dependent objects exist.

SQL DROP Examples:

Let's explore some examples of using the SQL DROP statement to remove various database objects:

Example 1: Drop a Table

DROP TABLE customers;

This example drops the "customers" table from the database. All data and metadata associated with this table will be permanently removed.

Example 2: Drop a View

DROP VIEW sales_summary;

This example drops the "sales_summary" view from the database. The view itself doesn't store any data, but it removes the virtual representation of the data stored in other tables.

Example 3: Drop an Index

DROP INDEX idx_customers_email;

This example drops the "idx_customers_email" index from the database. Indexes are used to improve query performance, and dropping an index can affect the performance of related queries.

Example 4: Drop a Constraint

DROP CONSTRAINT pk_orders_order_id;

This example drops the "pk_orders_order_id" primary key constraint from the database. Constraints are rules that enforce data integrity, and dropping a constraint removes the associated validation rules.

Example 5: Drop a Database

DROP DATABASE sample_db;

This example drops the "sample_db" database from the server. Dropping a database deletes all the tables, views, indexes, and other objects within it.


The SQL DROP statement is a powerful tool for removing database objects from a database. It provides a simple and straightforward way to delete tables, views, indexes, constraints, and even entire databases. However, it is important to use this statement with caution, as it permanently removes the targeted objects along with their associated data and metadata.

By understanding the syntax and usage of the SQL DROP statement, you can effectively manage your database and keep it organized by deleting unwanted or obsolete objects.

Видео по теме

Удаление таблицы - команда DROP TABLE (SQL для Начинающих)

Урок #20 - Отличия DELETE от TRUNCATE | SQL для начинающих

Команды для удаления данных в SQL (delete, truncate table, drop table, drop database)

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