Группировка и использование SQL оператора HAVING: полное руководство


GROUP BY HAVING is a clause in SQL that allows you to filter the results of a GROUP BY query based on conditions applied to aggregated data. It is used in combination with the GROUP BY clause to specify which groups of data should be included in the result set.

Let's say we have a table called Orders with columns OrderID, CustomerID, and OrderTotal. If we want to find the total order amount for each customer and include only those customers who have placed orders with a total amount greater than $1000, we can use GROUP BY HAVING.

SELECT CustomerID, SUM(OrderTotal) AS TotalAmount
FROM Orders
HAVING SUM(OrderTotal) > 1000;

In the above example, we first group the data by CustomerID using the GROUP BY clause. Then, we use the HAVING clause to filter the groups based on the condition SUM(OrderTotal) > 1000, which means we only want to include customers whose total order amount is greater than $1000.

It's important to note that the HAVING clause is applied after the GROUP BY clause, allowing us to filter the results based on aggregated data.

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Understanding the GROUP BY and HAVING Clauses in SQL

SQL, or Structured Query Language, is a powerful tool used for managing and manipulating data in relational databases. One important aspect of SQL is the ability to group data based on certain criteria using the GROUP BY clause. Additionally, the HAVING clause allows for further filtering of grouped data based on specific conditions. In this article, we will explore the usage and functionality of the GROUP BY and HAVING clauses in SQL queries.

The GROUP BY Clause

The GROUP BY clause is used to group rows from a table based on one or more columns. This allows us to perform aggregate functions on each group or apply filters to the grouped data. The syntax for using the GROUP BY clause is as follows:

SELECT column1, column2, ..., aggregate_function(column)
FROM table
GROUP BY column1, column2, ...;

Let's consider an example using a hypothetical "Students" table that stores information about students:

SELECT department, COUNT(*) AS total_students
FROM Students
GROUP BY department;

In this example, we are grouping the rows by the "department" column and using the COUNT(*) aggregate function to calculate the total number of students in each department. The result will include the "department" column along with a new column named "total_students" that contains the count for each department.

The HAVING Clause

The HAVING clause is used to filter the results of a GROUP BY query based on a condition. It works similar to the WHERE clause, but operates on the grouped data rather than individual rows. The HAVING clause is typically used in conjunction with the GROUP BY clause. The syntax for using the HAVING clause is as follows:

SELECT column1, column2, ..., aggregate_function(column)
FROM table
GROUP BY column1, column2, ...
HAVING condition;

Let's continue with our previous example and introduce a condition using the HAVING clause:

SELECT department, COUNT(*) AS total_students
FROM Students
GROUP BY department

In this modified query, we want to retrieve the departments that have more than 10 students. The HAVING clause allows us to specify the condition "COUNT(*) > 10", which filters out the groups that do not meet this criterion. The result will only include the departments that satisfy the condition.

Combining GROUP BY and HAVING

To further illustrate the usage of the GROUP BY and HAVING clauses, let's consider another example. Suppose we have a "Sales" table that stores information about sales transactions:

SELECT product, SUM(quantity) AS total_quantity
FROM Sales
GROUP BY product
HAVING SUM(quantity) > 100;

In this example, we are grouping the sales transactions by the "product" column and calculating the total quantity using the SUM() aggregate function. The HAVING clause is then used to filter out the products that have a total quantity greater than 100. This query will return the products that meet the specified condition.


The GROUP BY clause in SQL allows for grouping rows based on one or more columns, while the HAVING clause further filters the grouped data based on conditions. By using these clauses, you can perform calculations and manipulations on subsets of data within a table. Understanding the usage and syntax of the GROUP BY and HAVING clauses is crucial for analyzing and extracting meaningful insights from your database.

Видео по теме

Advanced Aggregate Functions in SQL (GROUP BY, HAVING vs. WHERE)

Базы данных. MySQL. Select: GROUP, HAVING


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