Где использовать оператор NOT NULL в SQL

В SQL выражение "WHERE NOT NULL" используется для фильтрации данных, чтобы выбрать только те строки, где определенные столбцы не содержат нулевые значения. Это полезно, когда мы хотим исключить строки, в которых определенные столбцы имеют отсутствующие данные.

Пример использования:

FROM table_name
WHERE column_name IS NOT NULL;

В этом примере мы выбираем все строки из таблицы с именем "table_name", где столбец с именем "column_name" не содержит нулевые значения.

Обратите внимание, что мы используем оператор "IS NOT NULL" вместо "!= NULL". Это связано с тем, что в SQL нельзя использовать оператор сравнения "!=" для проверки на равенство или неравенство с NULL. Вместо этого мы используем оператор "IS" с ключевым словом "NOT", чтобы проверить отсутствие NULL.

Детальный ответ

Understanding the "WHERE NOT NULL" Clause in SQL

As a student studying computer science, it's essential to dive deeper into SQL and understand its various components and clauses. One such important clause is the "WHERE NOT NULL" clause. In this article, we will explore this clause in detail, its purpose, and how it can be used effectively in SQL queries.

What is the "WHERE NOT NULL" Clause?

The "WHERE NOT NULL" clause is used in SQL to filter out records or rows that have a non-null value in a specific column. It allows you to retrieve only those rows that have a valid value in the specified column, excluding any null values.

Why Use the "WHERE NOT NULL" Clause?

The "WHERE NOT NULL" clause is particularly useful when you want to fetch data from a table that meets specific conditions and does not contain any null values in a particular column. By using this clause, you can narrow down your search and ensure that you retrieve only the relevant records.

Code Examples

Let's consider a simple scenario where we have a table named "students" with the following columns: "id", "name", and "grade". Suppose we want to fetch all the records where the "grade" column has a non-null value. We can achieve this using the "WHERE NOT NULL" clause in our SQL query.

            SELECT * FROM students WHERE grade IS NOT NULL;

In the above example, the SQL query selects all the columns and records from the "students" table where the "grade" column is not null. This ensures that only the rows with non-null values in the "grade" column are returned as a result.

We can also combine the "WHERE NOT NULL" clause with other conditions to further refine our search. For instance, let's say we want to fetch the records where the "grade" column is not null and the "name" column starts with the letter 'A':

            SELECT * FROM students WHERE grade IS NOT NULL AND name LIKE 'A%';

In the above SQL query, we add an additional condition using the "AND" keyword to filter out records based on both the "grade" and "name" columns. This allows us to retrieve only those records where the "grade" column is not null and the "name" column starts with the letter 'A'.


The "WHERE NOT NULL" clause is a powerful tool in SQL that helps you filter out records with non-null values in a specific column. It allows you to narrow down your search results and retrieve only the relevant data. By combining it with other conditions, you can further refine your queries and obtain more specific results. Understanding and utilizing this clause effectively will enhance your SQL proficiency and enable you to perform more complex database operations.

Видео по теме

MySQL: NOT NULL constraint



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